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Create a recurring post and set your routine
Create a recurring post and set your routine
Updated over a month ago

What is a recurring post?

Do you have recurring tasks or events at work? morningmate helps you stay on track with them! Our recurring feature allows you to automatically register the posts on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.

Instead of creating and posting the same task repeatedly, simply set it once, and it will automatically be registered on your feed on your desired date.

(This feature is available only to paid accounts)

1. How to set up a recurring post

1) Create a repetitive article/task/event/to-do which you want to repeat with a certain cycle.


  • This feature can be applied to article, task, event, and to-do, but not to polls.

  • Subtasks within the task post will not be repeated.

​2) After registering the post, click on 'more' and select the 'Repeat' option.


Event posts with video conference cannot be repeated.

​3) Set the recurrence cycle of the post on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, and set the due date.

  • Repeat cycle: Choose the frequency at which you want the task (post) to repeat.

    • Every week: The first 5 weekdays will be automatically selected. You can unselect the ones you don't need.

    • Every month (day): Select which day of the week and which week of the month (first, second, etc.) you want this task to recur.

    • Every month (date): Select which day of the month you want this task to recur.


The 'Last Day' refers to the final day of the month, which varies by month. The last day of February is typically the 28th, while months like April, September end on the 30th, and others, like January, March, end on the 31st.

  • Set due date: Select the estimated final date for this recurrence.


  • The due date of the recurrence can be infinite.

  • If the final recurrence date coincides with the due date, the post will still be created.

4) Set advanced settings

  • Select time zone: Set the time zone for when the post should be registered. (The post will be registered at 7:00 AM according to the time zone you select.)

  • Set task deadline: You can have the deadline set for each task, every time it is repeated. Refer to the examples below.

    • Daily: If you select '16 days later,' the deadline for each recurring post will automatically be set to 16 days after the registration date.

    • Weekly: If you select '10 weeks later / Thursday,' the deadline for each recurring post will automatically be set based on your choice.

    • Monthly: If you select '4 months / 10th,' the deadline for each recurring post will automatically be set to the 10th of the 4th month.

  • Assign the same manager: Enable this option if you want to assign the same member to handle the task each time it recurs.


Setting deadlines based on the registration date or assigning the same members are available only for 'task' posts, not 'article,' 'event,' 'to-do'.

5) Confirm your recurrence settings and note that the 'Repeat' tab has been enabled.


  • Only the writers of the post and project managers can change the recurrence settings.

  • The 'Repeat' tab in the project will only appear if there is a recurring post registered within the project.

2. Edit or end recurrence settings

  • Edit the recurrence of a post

    • Find the post you want to edit under the 'Repeat' tab and click 'Edit Settings'.

    • Find the post you want to edit under the 'Repeat' tab, click 'more' → 'Edit Settings'.

  • End the recurrence of a post

    • Find the post you want to end under the 'Repeat' tab and click 'End'.

    • Find the post you want to edit under the 'Repeat' tab, click 'more' → 'End'

    • You can also end the recurrence while editing the recurrence settings.

3. Recurrence settings in mobile app

  • Set up a recurring post

    1) After registering the post, click on 'more' and select the 'Repeat' option.

    (sorry let me change this image > red box on the wrong option)

    2) Set the recurrence cycle of the post on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, and set the due date. Set the advanced settings if necessary.

    3) Once it has been set, you can check the recurring tasks under the project information.

  • Edit or end recurring settings in mobile app

    1) Open the post in your mobile app and select "Project information" at the top right corner.

2) Click 'More' on the post you want to edit or stop the recurrence for, then select 'Modify' or 'End Repeat.'

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