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How to use Zapier 2 - Register new mail as a morningmate post
How to use Zapier 2 - Register new mail as a morningmate post
Updated over a week ago

How to use Zapier 2 - Automatically register emails with the conditions you want as work posts in morningmate

Are there many people who use email as a means of business communication? It would be really convenient if you could receive emails related to invoices and estimates from the payment team project, and emails related to events or partnerships from the marketing department project.

We will introduce you to how to use Zapier to quickly and easily check new emails with specific conditions in the mornigmate!

Step 1. Create new Zap

Click the ‘+ Create Zap’ button at the top left of Zapier to create a new Zap.

Step 2. Set Trigger

This is the step to set the trigger you want and what conditions will trigger the morningmate post to be registered.

1. Set App & Event

1) After clicking ‘1. Trigger’, Select Gmail. If you frequently use Microsoft Outlook, you can proceed with Outlook rather than Gmail.

2) Select which event you want to link emails to within Gmail.

We recommend that you set Starred Email or New Labeled Email for a specific label as Event rather than all New Email!

2. Connect Account

1) Connect the Google account that will be linked to Gmail. Click 'Sign in' to select the account to connect and click 'Allow' to log in to your Google account.

2) If the Google account you wish to connect is reflected properly, it will appear as shown in the image below. After confirming that the desired account is correct, click the 'Continue' button to move to the next step.

3. Set Trigger

Once you've connected your account, it's time to connect the 'Gmail Label' that will become the Trigger.

1) The Gmail label from the previously linked Google account will be displayed in Zapier as is. As an example, let’s connect the label ‘Content Related’.

2) Click the ‘Test trigger’ button to check whether existing emails classified with the ‘Content-related’ label are displayed normally. Select one of the emails and click ‘Continue with selected record’. The test is complete.

Step 3. Set Action

Now, the last step is to set what action to take in the morningmate when the set trigger is triggered.

You can specify the morningmate project/title/person in charge/body where the linked post will be registered.

We will show as an example the process of registering content received by email as a morningmate work post.

1. Select App


If you just search for 'morningmate', other similar apps will appear first, making it difficult to find them.😅

You can easily select it by entering '' in the search bar!

2. Set Event

Once you've connected your account, you can see a list of actions that can be connected to the morningmate. If you only want to receive simple notifications, you can create a notification bot or post

First, let's click the 'Create Task' button to show an example of a task post, which is the core of the morningmate. :)


The list of morningmate actions that can be integrated with Zapier is as follows.

(1) Create Bot Notification: Create a notification bot

(2) Create Post: Register a post

(3) Create Schedule: Register a schedule

(4) Create Task: Register a task

3. Select Account


This is a process to check the permissions of the morningmate account. If you are not using the Business+ plan, use will be restricted.

Log in to the morningmate account you want to connect. When you click the 'Sign in' button, a pop-up will appear allowing you to enter/confirm the morningmate account. Click the 'Allow' button to complete the connection.

4. Set Action

Lastly, set the conditions for registering morningmate task posts. You can set registrant/project/title/text/progress status.

1) Project ID: Select the project to register the email as a post. If there is no existing project on the topic that will be registered through this Zapier integration, you can create a new one.

2) Set the title / content / progress status (request) / priority / start date / deadline, etc. of the work post. Among these, items marked with * are required, others are optional and can be omitted.

3) Content : You can freely select and insert detailed items in the email.

ex. Even if you set the email subject as the title of the morningmate post, you can include it once more in the body.

4) Send a test email to check whether the post is registered in the project.

5) Finally, ‘Publish’ the Zap you worked on. From now on, you can immediately register tasks received via Gmail as morningmate posts.😊

So far, we have shown the process of registering Gmail > Labeled Mail as a morningmate task post as an example. You can proceed even faster by going to Zapier in the morningmate and selecting a template.😎

Feel the efficiency of task automation by setting triggers and actions under different conditions! 👍

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