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How to use Zapier 1 - Get a new response notification bot for Google Forms
How to use Zapier 1 - Get a new response notification bot for Google Forms
Updated over a week ago

How to use Zapier 1 - Get a notification bot for new Google Forms responses

Many companies conduct surveys, sign up for training/meetings, receive VOC, etc… You probably use Google Forms for various purposes. You may have had to repeatedly access the responses page to check for new responses, or sometimes you were too busy to check them late.

In this article, we would like to introduce how to use morningmate Notification Bot X Google Forms through Zapier. Which can make task time much less.

It may seem long, but it is a three-step process: 1. Create a new Zap, 2. Select the Google Form that will be the Trigger, and 3. Set how to receive notification bots in morningmate. It may be awkward at first, but once you follow it, you will be able to set it up easily after that.👍

Click Here to learn how to get started with Zapier in morningmate.

Step 1. Create new Zap

Click ‘+ Create Zap’ at the top left of Zapier to create a new Zap.

It is convenient to select the desired template from the screen displayed through the shortcut in the morningmate :)

(Image, image with emphasis on what kind of integration it is)

Step 2. Set up a Trigger

Now is the step to set the trigger that will activate the morningmate notification bot. It is okay to ignore the yellow box area shown at the top.

1. Set up App & Event

1) Click ‘1.Trigger’, search for Google Forms and select it.

2) You can select whether to receive a notification bot in the morningmate when an event occurs in Google Forms, such as a new response or a new response + response update. This time, we will set it so that the notification bot is received only when a new response is received. Once you have made your selection, click ‘Continue’ to continue the process.

2. Connect Account

1) To select a questionnaire, you must connect to a Google account which can access the questionnaire! Click 'Sign in' to select an account and log in.

2) Check the connected account once more and click ‘Continue’.

3. Set up Trigger

Once you've connected your account, it's time to connect the 'questionnaire' that will become the trigger. morningmate Team will connect you with one of the training projects, the ‘Problem Solving Live Application Form’. Once you have selected the questionnaire, confirm and click ‘Continue’.

4. Trigger Test

Now it's time to test whether the trigger operates properly. After clicking ‘Test Trigger’, select one of the already registered responses and click ‘Continue with selected record’. (If there is no response already registered in the Google Form, you must register the response value arbitrarily.) If you proceed to the 'Action step' without any problems after clicking, the test has been completed successfully.

Step 3. Set up Action

Now is the step to set how to take action in the morningmate when the set trigger occurs. The morningmate team will set up a morningmate notification bot to easily check new training applications.

1. Select App

We're connecting the morningmate with Google Forms, so search for '' and select it.

2. Set up Event

Once you've connected your account, you can see a list of actions that can be connected to the morningmate. Select ‘Create Bot Notification’ and click ‘Continue’.

Google Forms can also be usefully used by linking to ‘Task’, and how to use it for tasks will be introduced in the future.😊

3. Select Account

1) Log in to the morningmate account to connect. If you are already logged in, start with step 2) below.

2) Check or change the connected account and click 'continue'.

4. Set up Action

Now the last one! This is the step to set the type of morningmate notification bot you want to receive. Set the morningmate account/title/body/connection link/bot ID to receive notification bot messages.

1) Set up a morningmate account to receive notification bot messages

This is the step to set up a morningmate account to receive a notification bot when there is a new response in the connected Google Forms. The morningmate account you logged in to in step 3 will automatically appear in the list, and you can select the account. (Only one account can be selected.)

2) Set a title

You can set a title for the notification bot. The title can be selected from responses in Google Forms or entered directly.

3) Set notification bot content

This is the step to set the message to be received by the notification bot. Including important content in your responses not only serves as a notification of new responses, but also allows you to see important content right away.


When selecting a response item in Content, you can receive notifications much better by adding a Space/Enter or other text items.

4) Connect URL (Optional)

You can insert a link that can be accessed directly from the notification bot. In case of Google Forms, you can easily check detailed information by linking to the response results spreadsheet or the response results page of the survey.

5) Set Bot ID

Set the Bot ID that will be the sender ID of the notification bot. Bot IDs created within our company will be displayed in the list, and you can select one to set.


- If there is no Bot ID created, you can create a new one in 'API Center > Admin' in the morningmate.

- Bot IDs can only be created by administrators within the company.

6) Test

The last step is to test whether the integration has been completed properly. If you click 'Test Step' and see the 'true/success' message as shown in the screen on the right, it means that the connection has been completed properly, and the most recent answer will actually be received through the notification bot.

It’s all set! 👏👏

From now on, you will be able to quickly check important information as well as be notified of new responses through the notification bot. Additionally, specific information can be easily accessed through the morningmate through the linked response sheet URL.

From now on, the time spent repeatedly accessing the response page to check for new responses, or the time we spent checking late because we were too busy, can be shortened through Zapier, allowing us to leave work sooner and invest in more productive work. 💜

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