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File downloads
Updated over a week ago

A comprehensive list of all file downloads carried out by members is available for review.

✔ Tip

All downloads conducted by external members can be monitored and reviewed.

1. Admin console

Upon logging into Morningmate, access the Admin Console by selecting it at the bottom of the left-hand menu bar.

✔ Tip
Only admins within an organization have access to the Admin Console menu, where they can add or remove other admins.


2. Activity History > File downloads
To access the list of file downloads, navigate to "File downloads" under "Activity History" in the Admin Console. This will display details such as the date, name, and size of the file downloaded, as well as the user's name/ID and device used to conduct the download.

  • Checking the device where the download has been done
    To view the details of the device used to conduct the file download, select "Show". This will display the name and ID of the member who carried out the download.


  • Search
    The search function allows for queries by file name or by the name/ID of the user associated with the download.


  • Date
    Specify a start and end date to generate a list of downloads conducted during a specific time period.

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