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Block app screenshots
Updated over a week ago

With the "Block app screenshots" feature activated, you can monitor all screenshot activity that has taken place on an iPhone by checking the list provided. By keeping track of screenshot activity, you can enhance your organization or team's security measures.

1. Admin console

Upon logging into Morningmate, access the Admin Console by selecting it at the bottom of the left-hand menu bar.

✔ Tip
Only admins within an organization have access to the Admin Console menu, where they can add or remove other admins.


2. Turn on Block App Screenshots
To enable the Block App Screenshots feature, navigate to "Block app screenshots" under the "Security Settings" section of the Admin Console. With this feature activated, all screenshot activities on iPhones will be tracked and recorded.


3. Checking screenshot activity
To view a comprehensive list of all screenshots taken on an iPhone, access "Screenshots" under "Activity History". This will display details such as the date and device used for each screenshot, as well as the user's name and ID.

  • Search option
    Utilize the search function to quickly locate the information you require. You can search through all fields or refine your search by specifying criteria such as name/ID, department, or position.


  • Screenshot date
    Specify a start and end date to view a complete list of all screenshot activities during that period.


  • Viewing screenshot images
    To view a screenshot image, click on "Show". To download the screenshot image, select "Download".

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