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Updated over a week ago

To review the usage data for various items among your members, navigate to the Admin Console, select "Statistics", and then choose "Usage".

✔ Tip
Analyzing stats can be helpful in determining the level of engagement among your members and can assist in promoting more active usage of the platform. Use statistics to assess the level of activity among your members in completing tasks.

1. Admin console

Upon logging into Morningmate, access the Admin Console by selecting it at the bottom of the left-hand menu bar.

✔ Tip
Only admins within an organization have access to the Admin Console menu, where they can add or remove other admins.


1. Usage
To access information about the usage of the platform, click on "Statistics" and then select "Usage".

2. Usage stats per user
Usage statistics for individual users can provide insight into their participation in various projects and their activity levels, such as the number of projects they are involved in and the quantity of posts, comments, chats, and messages they have contributed.


3. Searching for a user
To locate usage information for a specific user, enter their name, department, position, or email address in the search field.

  • Export to Excel
    In addition, you can view connections in an Excel file. Simply enter a keyword for the desired information and select "Export to Excel", which can be utilized for weekly reporting purposes.

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