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Using To-Do lists to manage tasks
Using To-Do lists to manage tasks
Updated over a year ago

To-do makes it easy and fast to create your to-do list. Here's how to use it.

1. Creating a to-do list
To make your to-do list, click on the "To Do" option within a project.


Give your to-do list a title when you create it.

Add items
To add items to your to-do list, enter the tasks you need to check or complete, pressing Enter or Tab to add a new item.

Add a due date
To add a due date for each item on your to-do list, click on the calendar icon and select the appropriate deadline.


Add assignee
If you're working on a project with other members, you can add an assignee from among those participating to your to-do list.


✔ Tip

To manage your tasks more efficiently, assign important items to yourself on the to-do list.

2. Completing a to-do
To mark a task as complete on your to-do list, tick the box next to the item. This will cause the task to be crossed out and a notification to be automatically posted in the comments section.


Completion rate
As you mark off items on your to-do list, you'll be able to see the completion rate increase.


3. View all to dos in the project
If you want to see all of the to-do items that have been posted in the project, you can use the filter located at the top of the project page and select "To Do". This will display all of the to-do items that have been created in the project.


Cancel filter
If you want to remove the filter and display all of the posts in the project as usual, just click on the "Cancel" button to unfilter the to-do posts. This will restore the normal view of all posts in the project.

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