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Using hashtags
Updated over a week ago

You can use hashtags (#) to categorize topics within a project. This is useful for organizing related content and making it easy to find. You can add up to 100 hashtags per project.

✔ Tip

You can filter posts by category or task within the project using hashtags such as #announcement, #meetingnotes, #accounts.

1. Adding a hashtag
To add a hashtag to your post, type the '#' symbol followed by a word and then press the space bar. The hashtagged word will appear in bold and green color, indicating that it has been successfully added. Additionally, when you type the '#' symbol, a list of all the hashtags being used in the project will appear, and you can select and add them to your post.

2. Sort posts by hashtag
You can find all active hashtags at the top of the project, and by clicking on a particular hashtag, you can view a list of all posts that are tagged with it.

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