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General (private) project
General (private) project
Updated over a week ago

A general (private) project can be created by anyone and access is limited to invited participants only. Project managers have control over the permissions to write, view, edit posts, and download files. This allows for the creation of projects that are tailored to specific needs, while maintaining privacy and security for the participants and the resources shared within it.

✔ Tip

Anyone can create this type of project, and once created, the creator becomes the only person on the participant list. Start inviting other relevant members, and project managers can assign other participants as project managers.

1. Creating a project
To create a new project, simply click on the "Create Project" button located at the top left corner of the main page.

2. Choose between a blank canvas or a pre-designed template.

  • Starting From Scratch
    Users can create a project from scratch and customize it according to their team and company's unique workflows. With this "blank project" option, the project creator has complete control over the project's permissions and other settings.

  • Starting with a premade template
    For users who want to get started quickly, Morningmate offers a variety of premade project templates that are designed for different types of teams and projects. These templates provide a ready-to-use framework that can be easily customized to meet the specific needs of the project. In addition to the premade templates, users can also create and save their own project templates for future use.

3. A project title and descriptions
Users have the option to add a title and description to provide more context and information about the project. While a project can be created with just a title, adding a description can help to clarify the project's purpose, goals, and other important details. This can be especially helpful for larger or more complex projects that involve multiple participants.

✔ Tip
- Establishing project naming conventions can be a helpful practice for streamlining communication and project management. By creating a consistent and easily recognizable naming convention, team members can quickly identify and understand the purpose and scope of each project.
e.g. Sales: Outbound leads, [MKT] Social Media

4. Setting permissions and conditions to manage access to a project
Project managers can choose to create a public project if they want it to be visible to everyone in the organization or team. This can be done by toggling the "Public" button during project setup. Additionally, project managers can set up the project so that participants can only join upon approval, which can help ensure that only relevant team members are added to the project.

5. Completing

Once you have entered all the project details, click on the "Create Project" button to finish. Your new project will then appear on your main page.

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