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Understanding the three types of projects
Understanding the three types of projects
Updated over a week ago

In Morningmate, a project is a dedicated workspace where team members can organize and store tasks related to a particular mission or objective. The project manager is responsible for inviting relevant team members to the project, ensuring that only those who need to be involved have access. This helps to keep the work organized and focused, allowing teams to collaborate more effectively and achieve their goals efficiently.

1. General/private project
Creating a general project in Morningmate is a straightforward process that anyone can initiate. The project can be kept private and shared only with the relevant team members who have been invited to participate. This ensures that work is focused and free from distractions, allowing team members to collaborate efficiently and achieve their project goals in a timely manner.

2. Public project
public projects are visible to all members in your company or team. Depending on the permissions set by the project manager, anyone can join the project immediately or request to join. This makes it easy for team members to discover and join public projects that align with their interests and skills, promoting collaboration and knowledge-sharing across the organization.


Morningmate's public project type is ideal for projects that require the participation of all members of a department or for social events and clubs.

These projects can be easily identified by the earth icon, which indicates that they are publicly visible and open for all relevant team members. With this project type, teams can collaborate and socialize in a transparent and inclusive way, making it easier to achieve their goals and build strong relationships within the organization.

3. All-member project
An all-member project is created automatically once an admin initiates it. All members of the company or team will be invited to join, and it is not possible to dismiss participants or invite external individuals. This project type is intended for use by admins only and any new members added to the company or team business account will be invited automatically. By providing a focused channel for company-wide communication, this project type can help ensure that everyone is informed and aligned towards achieving organizational objectives.


The company-wide project type is ideal for making important announcements that need to be visible to all members of the organization.

These projects can be easily identified by the building icon, which indicates that they are designed for use at a company-wide level.

While participants cannot be added or dismissed manually, adminis have the ability to switch the project to a general project type if necessary.

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